
St. Pauls Convent School, is an English Medium, co-educational, non-aided, private school, affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education Delhi. The curriculum prepares students for the Secondary School and Senior Secondary School Certificate examinations held at the end of X and XII standards.
Within the CBSE curriculum, at the Secondary level (X), apart from the General Education courses, the school offers choices of following courses:
Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (PCM)
Physics, Chemistry and Biology (PCB)
Economics, Accountancy and Business Studies (Commerce).
The core purpose of our school is to impart wholesome good sense helping to develop the individual strengths of our pupils, stirring their imagination, making them explorers into the realms of the mind and the spirit with a studious work habit so that we will have added zest to these young lives and they will experience the joie de vivre which is their right and privilege.
At SPCS, we give strong encouragement at a social level, following every child seeing it all through the child's sensitive young perceptions. Children often fail to fulfill their potential because of what are diagnosed as the environmental factors of home and school ethics. We seek to remedy it.
At SPCS we value the innate strength of every child in its journey of life and strive to inspire it with hope and courage. Our primary program is therefore designed to enrich learning, so that early childhood education can extend beyond the limits of today.

Now teacher is rather a leader who discharges his duty in a democratic set-up of education. It has surfaced a revolutionary approach to teaching that equips every child with autonomy in order to have a purposeful discourse with the teacher. Adopting every new technology, inventions, discovery, and exploration as the tools to bring a revival in teaching-learning context, 21st century are leading to “Renaissance of teaching”, which circumscribes every human values, morals, and goodness in its curriculum? Teachers need to guarantee not only academic strength, but also emotional and spiritual strength.
It is at this point we need to moot this worth proposition that we should implement TQM as an initiative to sustain excellence in all spheres of education to cover the following points which overtly or covertly influence an educational enterprise. Now the time is up to pen down the strategy to equip us before venturing into this Creative World of Quality. The following points after an intensive brainstorming come to our notice, and we believe that these are significant to take this remarkable initiative
To learn to be aware of our debilitating features during classroom interaction
To acquire the habit of detecting, facilitating, accelerating and assembling each and every creative gem available in the school
Quality circles for teachers and students
5 S in academic institution for both the teacher and students.
Theory of six sigma to improve work environment
Role of teachers as guardians and mentors
Regular Home visit to bridge all communication gap with parents about their wards
Remedial teachings for both bright and slow learners.
Introduction of IT and IT related tools in class room teachings
Practical training for effective prayer assemblies
Leadership skills for Principals and teachers
Presentation skills for children and teachers
Knowledge about the conduct of world Parliament and World peace
Teaching of life skills as the regular feature of the school curriculum
Innovation (innovation as grassroots approach based on internal factors)
Open on line education methods
Faculty Peer review
Learning communities
Active learning
Collaborative learning
Cooperative education
Critical thinking
Cultural Pluralism
Science reform
Service Learning

Tempest intensive
This is a Neuropsychological Programme to bring the mind of every single child to a permanent state of concentration, irrespective of his/her interest and status of IQ & EQ. This also includes regular Psychometric assessment and follows up of its development in each and every child of the school and especially designed to meet the objectives of CCE.